


Big jobs require big equipment and we have it all.
See Our Equipment List
Company Services
Complete Sitework Package which can transform virgin ground and woods to a completely graded and paved site.
We have the right equipement to handle all your paving requirements. We also do line striping.
We are experts at installing water and sewer lines, storm and roof drains, and conduits.
Maryland Site Construction Firm
Introduction Video

Company Introduction
For nearly seventy-five years the Iacoboni name has been associated with the utility construction business in the state of Maryland.
We are a full site work package company and Maryland site construction firm of over 125 highly dedicated and skilled employees. We specialize in all aspects of site work including demolition, sediment control, grading, paving, and utilities. Our motto is “We work safely, honestly, and efficiently,” and all jobs are performed with this in mind. Clients are always treated with first-rate service and expertise with a view towards cost efficiency and on-time completion of the job schedule.
The company’s equipment list is a full complement of over 200 heavy pieces of machinery, a long list of trucks and vehicles, and the small tools and equipment that enables each crew to perform to its maximum production in its area of work, which includes most of Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington D.C.
Iacoboni Site Specialists Inc. was started in 1991 by Thomas J. Iacoboni. The firm has grown into a $25 million company that employs over 125 experienced workers.
Words From Our Clients

I have had the pleasure of working with Iacoboni Site Specialists on two large apartment projects. Their attention to details and their commitment to satisfying their client are reasons I would continue a long-term relationship with them.
Duane Canter, Camden Development

I have worked with Iacoboni on several projects in the Baltimore area and they have the ability to handle whatever is thrown at them. Iacoboni has the project experience and expertise to solve the most complicated utility issues, while helping drive the schedule.
Brady Davidow, Bozzuto Construction Company

In our industry, not all things are determined by dollars and cents. There is that unspoken support and values that push one contractor ahead of the pack. Iacoboni Site Specialists is one of those companies.
Tim Pagano, Carl M. Freeman Companies

They have a do-it-now attitude. I think they have the manpower, the equipment and the expertise.
Ron Schaftel, co-owner of Southern Land Company of Baltimore

They’re not intimated by bad weather. They’re problem solvers and are not afraid to throw as much equipment and manpower on a job as they need to get it done.
Mr. Schaftel, Southern Land Company of Baltimore